
Dynamic event system to be exposed in GW2

In Guild Wars 2 World was filled with thousands of dynamic events in the process of your adventure. Maybe one day is a full and rich businessmen and villagers in the villages, and the next day the village was Centaur destroyed too was dead. And there are some Guild wars 2 cd key used for the game.
Colin Johanson, Guild Wars 2 content charge designer. Content design group's main task is to design events, plot, and mini-games and you will encounter in the battle 2. In this article I will focus on real-time event system, and this system is how to challenge the traditional MMO content to show.
When to make an MMO, we will all the classic MMO with its contents to move out, and ask yourself: "how we can improve and do better?" When we see the traditional years of mission systems, we found that many regions can be improved in order to compensate for these fundamental flaws. We have invented a real-time event system
The traditional mission systems players to find a certain head there! Or? Of the NPC, with his speech, a long period of how and how you want to save strange xxx players generally skip that no one read the task description. Then the players go out and complete the task, back to the NPC that, again, to reward a long period of not read the word wall. The traditional task of the system needs these "word wall" to form a story, but it has been completely behind the times. Thus there are many Guild wars 2 keys to be got from other gamers.
Guild Wars 2, our event system will not let you read a long task "Introduction", you will see or hear what is happening in the story. Xx dragon is attacking a certain place, you will not see more than a dozen lines to tell you occurred in the end what you will see the building was bombed into a fireball, NPC desperately running around screaming and then the spring of Columbia from heaven to protect living beings. Then you will hear a guard (urban management) summon players to fight against the dragon, the distant attack has already begun to smoke more and more concentrated.
Example: in a traditional MMO, players were told that the monster is preparing to attack the village, and requires players to the village and killed 10 is outside the village of flowers, the strange and complete the task. The biggest flaw of this system is: monster impossible to attack the village.
Because all the players should be the next task, so the blame can only be waiting outside the village were killed. Task is a lie. As it need players to buy Guild wars 2 cd key in the game. We believe that this is simply not, in Guild Wars 2, if we tell you that monster to attack. They will come, but really would destroy the village.

