
Mists of pandaria:mystery leveling experience

1,Open service need, first of all their own equipment issues, training up fast, of course, all occupations need to wear DPS equipment, gems and enchants course, replaced maximize DPS down is the need to prepare the corresponding occupational eat together, fighting syrup, it is recommended to buy some more fighting syrup, this can be directly tied together and key skills means that, as long as the CD is good to eat, this upgrade will be great, of course, its equipment is not good, these also need to tidy up, after all, play a little faster will have a little advantage, if red server if the number of equipment, of course, must be the basic graduation it, we can think of, the same kill a task strange equipment good will inevitably almost than the equipment to be fast some of these is critical, because the full level from 85-90, the middle need to do the task, kill the strange task will be a lot of that and more, Imagine a strange a little time, a lot of strange, then, can be imagined.
2,Start leveling, of course, must guarantee the timeliness, that is to say, the front need to be ready to ready, and this time you need to own very aware of the the Shashi Hou 5.0 Zhengshishangxian, must be ahead of time online, and so opened the server once open service, then start the upgrade directly, a lot of players might also think, did not open the service before doing some daily task assigned to finish the task, and other open service directly after the first go with tasks, my own feeling is so can.
Recommendations made in advance for the task, more concentrated, that go to pay these tasks completed when time is minimized, so as not to delay in the process of cross-task time, this case is not worth it, such as the task assigned to the the time it takes, and if they do not compare to the same time killing the experience gained in the side of the new map, then they are bound uneconomical, but with friends to help, such as with a few friends on the line, and then on a warlock No. began the task of the new map there waiting to pull you in the past, it would be optional.
Personal feeling, nothing too necessary, because open service, with a lot of players at the same time the beginning of the task, as strange rushing to kill tasks, all at the same time to do a task, and then blame as much as the task, instant kill finished it The emergence of players such as task strange refresh, as it may be a waste of time, so the personal feeling of the beginning of time is critical, if you choose to do the task, that is to say, you faster than everyone then a little bit, and then everyone behind you The task, then your story missions, there is one of your own in front, nothing Qiangguai happens, so that it is beneficial short began the task of these is the need to grasp, because the starting point is very important. Keep up the good work you have been out of the server first may be the first step successfully reach this point, then
(1) down is to enter the process of upgrade tasks, task upgrade is more common, the general process, the task becomes more familiar with the course is completed faster (to say here, bring the server first, there has to be ahead of the equipment testing service is an indispensable source of experience, familiar with the next task which is a must), and of course, there are some tips provided down to do the task more familiar, probably said, for example, jump Map to do the task, means that a high level of point map done the same task will experience more killing to experience the same, there is some need to see the story task, can follow their own plan, appropriate adjustments jump in the past (some plot indeed annoying, but also a waste of time), but to ensure that the task route is relatively complete, that is, the task must again down under, has a mission to do, (do not jump over some tasks, resulting in behind the task can not find or hard to find). This is honestly the task of upgrading.
(2) another method, a copy of + task, European clothing Bimei service ahead of the opening service upgrade experience for everyone in accordance with European clothing, wheat bite here originally intend to take the copy of the stream, so the first few levels upgrade (85 -89) If no valid than the task faster, but necessary, need to find a few friends together and fly the team into random this (5.0 randomly), brush with this gain experience finish the task, a copy of which task the next task to do, brush copy of the blame can only gain experience, this is a very important point is the question of efficiency, better equipment points, team composition to take into account the high damage + energy A strange career, this is not much to say, generally may be different now, and so probably to the 89 level when copies do start to jump map to do the task, the task to upgrade the road down or come up ,89-90 during the upgrade process, equal time and experience to do the task more than a copy, so I chose the task upgrade.
3, in short, the above mentioned, by Jimmy bite experience provided well in advance of all the preparation, the server key

