
MOP:the magic of ancient mountain palace anti-riding Sharing

Old one before the mobs:

Kerr the Geshe broken rib: with Whirlwind, read the article cast a stun can interrupt, not to read the article sanctions otherwise wake up and re-read the article

Ha Sa grams Windcaller: pay attention to the lightning storm, there is a circle, can escape

Geer Sang the iron throat Lions: halo by a lion + Whirlwind strange group skills need to open

Old and one (kings of Trials):

Right: a direct hit Boss, escape Sasser, Lions injury

: Stay fly shield, censure, the Arcane Torrent interrupted Lightning Bolt. The cyclotron Storm need to hide, soon. Magnetic field [120101] injury, escape can place range

Left: burning named Invincible second solution, others point away from the point. Meteor [120196] collection eat, open Devotion Aura

Mobs before the second child:

Iron three strange, no pressure

Two sneak: has the skills [118963] Do not go alone sanctions, otherwise it will lead to stun you take turns, this stun without diminishing!

2 Law Department: interrupted careful 110 can

Second child (Jie Han):

Just getting little pressure, then blame remember strange sanctions sneak, to gain time to save beans

Sneak strange stun will have to read the article out of melee range or advance shield strike damage reduction can

Mobs before the youngest:

Note that interrupted the legal systems of the strange fire aoe, open skills then blame

The Boss before four lions will give you bleed the Debuff highest stack 5 layer stack quickly, it is recommended that the Holy Avenger maintain shield strike Buff. Sanctions may halo


Escape the ring of fire, not in Sasser, no pressure.

mists of pandaia

