
Grand Banquet of Race in GW2 Being Interesting

Civilians Quaggan clothing and headdress by the flash of scales around a long beaded chest and arm. They also often use colorful birds waterproof their feathers, to attend Quaggans the grand banquet. Quaggan home built using the resources of the sea by coral-made nest and tied round with cystic form of seaweed. They nest bolt in the seabed, but if necessary they can easily drag a safe place. This clever race can attract more players to Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold to play the race. For light, Quaggan cultured pearls and glowing phosphorescent algae.
Until recently, Quaggan history are bland, almost boring. As their "guardian of memories," described as, Quaggan is the heroic deeds of some very boring narrative, for example: someone has a child that year, where more like sardines. But 50 years ago with the ring snake (Krait) invade their territory, everything changed: the slavery of the aquatic life in the deep ditch has been settled. But they suddenly invaded Quaggan which has been living in the territory, destroying Quaggan civilization. Surviving Quaggan fled to shallow waters, even on the traceability and to the inland lake. These races are all very interesting for players to play with guild wars 2 gold. Another group is like family and Nuo'en Kodan family fled south as the frost dragon, which is in depth of Tai Ruiya inland.
Including the central leadership, including many Quaggan in the ring snake (Krait) killed in the attack. The leadership race has been called Markissios rule, and these nobles were massacred now, eat or be part snake (Krait) enslaved. Now those survived Quaggan autonomy orders from village varonos leadership. These varonos working together can afford to provide help, even in this difficult time, and they were very friendly and united together.
Dominated by a small group of varonos around the village over the Buco Rita, Queen of the Kingdom of mankind they agree to help each other two races to become a friendly alliance. Although both sides are surrounded by the plight of humans, Quaggan in each other will try to help when needed. With these races, the sales of GW2 gold will increase.
Quaggan worship the only God called Mellaggan. Mellaggan represents the gift of the sea. Regardless of temperament or nature, she and the man God ~ Merlin flowers very similar, so there are anthropologists to unify the two. Quaggan is too polite and difficult to reject because of this unity, but they also pointed out that the land's natural bounty of the sea goddess and representatives of Poseidon is significantly different. However, Quaggan Merlin was sinking through the use of flower temple, the Temple of the lake as Gendarr to respect Mellaggan. Quaggan has more conservative and religious traditions. By the "guardian of past" as pastor position, it is responsible for records of each Quaggan groups legends.

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The total million registered accounts of Rift being doubted

However, despite the lack of accurate statistical data, we can still come, out that "" Rift "was a success" this conclusion: Vs the number of paying players registered. Game on the line early, "Rift" of the developers in the Forum is proud to announce. The total number exceeded 100 million registered accounts. A few months later, this figure increased to 200 million. Although it is impressive, some people still doubt that these figures do not reflect the true health of the game.
Everyone knows that a registered player does not mean paying players. Moreover, each player can register several accounts. Some players even only registered account in the trial stage. The client did not buy the game or pay service fees. But there are still lots of players to buy rift gold to play the game. This is true. These people also may register multiple accounts. Therefore, the total number of registered account and number of registered players is only as a reference.
People who spread Rift demise theory must not play the game seriously. As long as the log in the game, select the server, players will find: Almost every time, at least in most of North America are in a half-full member state. With cheap rift gold we can enjoy this game. In addition, no large-scale invasion of the region reported that the lack of player participation in activities. Anyway, as long as the Trion is not published data, we will not know "Rift" the stability of income, if sufficient to cover development costs. Moreover, Trion is a private company, it is not necessary to announce to shareholders the financial data. However, the total number of player accounts may be paid and which we can infer that the ratio of players: "Rift" has now achieved a great commercial success.
Do not know, "Star Wars: The Old Republic" and "Guild Wars 2" on the line, "Rift" is able to maintain this performance. But Trion hope "Rifts" in the active and passionate group of players will choose to remain firmly in the game itself, rather than switch to space-themed "Star Wars: Old country" or role-playing free online games "Guild Wars 2." Of course, when the time comes, the answer will naturally be announced.
Of "Rift" is not always that cold player: starting in the early 2011's lack of game content. Similarly, they also pointed out that: The upgrade process is surprisingly simple, at least level 50 players is not exclusive activities. If you want to play this game, the rift gold is needed. Therefore, they feel that "Rift" is a "slag as", if not complete failure of the move to free operating mode. But be objectively assessed? "Rift" the development team plans to hold half-anniversary celebration next week. Not surprisingly, the forum netizens around the "" Rift "is a success?" This is the topic of a heated discussion. The two sides express their views, bickered.

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My personal experience in Open Beta Test of GW

There is not malicious PK in Guild Wars. However, the PK is quite free. You choose PK model that play equipment. For a good level of training, three days are full. The class is not a dream. The key lies in technology, skills and equipment selection and application. You do not need to spend 24 hours a day for online. It is not appropriate. I have this confidence in this game: in the same physical conditions, I would not be inferior to anyone. So far I have got enough Guild Wars Gold. I don’t need to buy it.
The network I use now is Netcom area. I did not echo the application. People would like to thank GM, although we do not know your name. I will repay with practical action. As I said, at this stage it is equivalent to the number. I help you break free of the Raiders and advocate.
When I first time entered the game the next day, I encountered the guild. As a result, I joined nine arts. It should be said that nine arts district in the Netcom PVE forces is quite large. I almost went to see what the city can be a member of nine arts. Group members are friendly. The gang will help you a lot. I got some cheap Guild Wars gold from them. I have two chapters in the main line of PVE several difficulties. Both of them are within the group. I had the help of friends. A friend I know told me he was at the same day into the game. Of course, I also helped a lot of people off the main line of PVE.
Nine aspects of arts in PVP strength are very poor. It can be said that they are near the bottom, which ranked sixteenth from the Association can be seen. Ranking is based on GVG Association that scores to count. PVP Association of the game from the point of view seems to see the whole game.
However, my real target is PVP. In PVP, I just started as a novice. I had no equipment, no skills, and no experience with that senior competition. Apparently I lost more than I won.
But finally there was an opportunity. I punched in cooperation with the teammates. This was the first time. I was happy to praise his teammates with an assassin team. I played well! Those teammates smiled to me. I had come just a few days! I had to Buy Guild Wars Gold, because my equipments were not enough.
We encountered a strong team, which has a small exquisite arrogance of assassins. I called in the cold winter. His teammates were two to three. A move to link to our monks played paralysis on the ground. I got up again. So I got to rescue the monks. I crossed the resurrection of his teammates. I do not understand why he did not immediately ground down the monks. I rushed back. I only had time to revive the monks. I had on time to breath. I did not look down on my attack. In front of my face, a move is linked to the monks. I shot down, and then left. This time, the monks stood up. They stand up and had no time to add more blood. They fell again.

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Advances in Game Being Useful for the Development

FALCOM of SLG, RPG and other technological advances depend on a small game, plus graphic technology itself rests in the hands of the Americans. Japanese game development team behind the technology is inevitable
In the era of HD gaming, high-quality generic graphics engine and more skillful techniques, so that Europe and America in the appearance of the game far more than the Japanese game. This is the reason why TERA in the country can not attract more players to play with tera gold. Explosive increase in the workload and the rapid development costs before the Japanese are used to customize the engine, art human "draw" a beautiful picture of this model has been unable to continue.
And even worse, not just looks ugly the pace of life and the player needs change, and the Japanese game makers even more painful. Gun the ball into the current mainstream car with them more suitable for expression of high definition players need to fast-paced and can afford to put the game to get close. The Japanese game maker is good at is among the players for a long time into the game experience that species into a sense. This is no longer the mainstream gamers. Many gamers are discussing the game TERA and the sales of tera online gold in the country in this period.
Japanese game facing the prospects of survival for a fixed consumer population, they are willing to play the game, rather than in the past that the players all the way as sales object. At this time the Japanese game maker, in fact, completely did not understand how they should change, and they just know that European and American firms than they are powerful techniques to study their
Although the Japanese domestic market was not yet strong erosion of the game in Europe and America, in the current development of such a high cost, it is coupled with the low birth rate due to aging and decline caused by market rigidities alone. It is very early to feed a market that has high input masterpiece. This situation, and Japan before the Meiji Restoration quite similar. Most of the Japanese game makers should have to learn to understand the business model in Europe and America. In these countries, what is the situation about the players to buy tera gold? How to learn and how to do it in front of the game is still unclear. This year, the lost five games in Japan, although has to learn, but do not know how to apply their knowledge.
During this period, there are also many regressive behaviors, such as the PS3's HD REMASTERS plan, just let the Japanese market is a more conservative old behavior, so that the game in the world and European competition will undoubtedly become a disadvantage.

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Fighting to create own role in PVP: Warrior Necromancer

Many people think that this move does not apply, however, the soldiers who can be released about three soldiers. Skin gloves lying on the ground because the stone is about four seconds but 4 seconds is a lot of things can affect the elements in place if this is possible but hard to find. The benefits of wind: Consume more than the shock 5en, in exchange for a single enemy is within you "remote" blown down "4" seconds on 2 seconds more than the shock. The advantages are several places you have studied about the next war bearing mixed group it was clear that war per La. 
Introducing the new combination before and talk about the causes of this combination used the soldiers or monk’s friends may have this experience in pvp. In PVP, you may need to consume some Guild Wars Gold. It is a Ranger word encountered trouble, blindness, foot shooting, trap. He made you catch up with poisoned arrows next to play mind inevitably annoyed. I also not spared.
After thinking about it in the air over there any way to restrain it? So start with the root of the problem to start the analysis, to understand the Ranger skills that make you a headache after the skills are all disease categories. We find the skills to relieve symptoms. They can solve the problem. So go online and read data do have several job skills can relieve symptoms, so I do the next experiment. It is not one by one mana. Too much recovery time is too long and is not ideal. When I was in Barcelona where the responsibility for worship no intention of boring look at the skill, this saw Necro skills - epidemic coat of arms cannot help but ecstatic. So with this new combination of skills and some cheap Guild Wars gold, we can have a better play in the game.
First, let us look at the skills in the end this can do for us: Epidemic coat of arms the body of all illnesses, and the transfer time remaining to the target enemy, the curse is no chance of failure about 4 properties recovery time of 10 seconds. With Buy Guild Wars Gold you can buy more weapons to assist you in the battle. Core skills have been identified so that we look at all those skills to use with a better arrangement?
Introduction from the skill attributes, we can surprise found that we are looking for skills transfer to the target of all disease enemies, with this you can look at what skills Ranger shout slogans at me to put it how much you gave me I have you how much, so let your Ranger skills to become angry at his own torture yourself because it is no property that we do not charge a little blue, short recovery time as long as we can make reasonable use of your Ranger into a nightmare.

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The Blog Being the Way to the Game Industry

Farewell purely commercial guns draft refused to official releases the Sina blog channel in the game. You and I are bound to find the guide into the way the games industry.
Many people think that the game itself and plug the loopholes created today's rampant cheating device, so that a plug-in game is not a good game. This argument has some merit, but personally do not agree. First of all, the game itself is not wrong. The game TERA with beautiful scene is welcomed by many players to buy tera gold to play the game. Nobody's perfect, not perfect to the game are not a loophole. The problem is not game development companies, but rather those mercenary plug-in manufacturers and players who could not withstand the temptation.
Let us take the trouble to cite a "knife" example: a knife to kill the murderer, but the knife itself does not kill. In addition, online games have plug-in, single game with the modifier. Handheld console even has a "finger" of cheating, according to this argument I am afraid that the world did not "qualified" good game.
Games also need the Olympic spirit. We use the plug-in cheating, their goal is to win, to win honor and respect for others, but using it the moment it has lost all of these, because the game also need the Olympic spirit of fairness. Those who cheat in the game using external devices like a player to win the game players to use stimulants, although the win has to have been ridiculed and reviled by everyone. The game TERA with many tasks needs the players to play with tera gold with Olympic spirit to win the game.
Here are two examples: If you play "Street Fighter" with no loss of blood cheat, then even the hot topic invincible hands no cheers, it also presented awards to the WCG which will never use any of a gun by gun headshot perspective or other plug-winning CS clan. In short, everything just as Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic "sports Song" says: To win the honor of impartiality, otherwise it is meaningless.
In fact, we do not need a rallying cry, "Down with cheating," "strongly resist the plug," like the slogan. As long as they can be fair game, do not use plug-in cheat device is sufficient. No market, the natural world is peaceful. But, it is impossible for no market in the technology world.
"TERA" delayed time to market in North America, but the show at this year's PAX demo available on the opportunity to play the game with tera online gold, the following players from the European experience of a demo, please see the following translation of the original details.

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Runescape Is Still Hot Among People

As we know, today is an information society. Internet enters in everybody’s home. The widespread online Game enriches our boring life. Almost everyone surf the internet at home. Somebody likes playing MSN, another like reading current affairs online. But there are most people liking play massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Massive squad, attractive visual effects, beautiful pictures catch people’s eyeball. One of the most people loved MMORPG game is RuneScape. Many people hold the opinion that playing games is a kind of fashion, especially playing massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Everyday has thousands of people to enroll in the Runescape, even the primary school students.
When it comes to Europen and American WebGame, originally it can be traced back to 90s of last century. As the result of web limited to technical, this new game format has been unable to cause the player's interest. However, with Web technology, WebGame is accepted by more and more European and American. Until 2009, the online game industry boost prosperity, for the time being sweeping Europe and America. The top three Evony, RuneScape and Travian game are also fansinated by many game fans. Evony registered users topped 20 million, a well-deserved king of WebGame community.
Because RuneScape has a huge game world with detailed system settings, it is also gaining huge popularity. 11MB is only the size of the client to become a veritable small network games. 3D online game is regarded as one of the earliest games. With its continuous and timely updates to upgrade, RuneScape now has the second largest number of players in the world. It ranks only second to the World of Warcraft.
It is truly an online game. You need to register for the free or paid membership where every character is a person likes in life reality. In the game you will take a look at dwarves, giants, sorcerers, monks, savages, pirates, zombie, lizard people, monsters, demons and a variety of animals and so on. There are 51 kinds of attacking magic, magic defense in 15, 50 clearance issues, 5 cities, a mainland without any plants and the countless underground castles, constitute the entire arena.
For the amazing and almost perfect, don’t you get a strong heartbeat? Many handsome boys and beauties devoted their leisure time into RS. The massive setting, impressive pictures and amazing songs are waiting for you to join in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game. So tack action to join in the Runescape. Money shortage for gamer players during the play process is extremely common. So when you meet this problem, you can buy RS Gold from website, such as MMOXE. It is said that MMOXE.COM is most trustable and safe website. Owning to clear display of game products and noticeable rs gold’s information, especially quickly order gold and send gold to customers as soon as possible, many plat buyers choose MMOXE.COM to buy rs gold or RS Items. At the same time here provides alternative option of rs items. And also sounds you can buy cheap rs gold sometimes.

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The Common Encounters in the Game Being Solved

Some say that the problem is attributed to vendors or brick house, then the player community itself has no problem. Some people say that China's online environment is as foreign a round moon, which in the end are different conditions or at different stages of development?
We do not know when the players play the game they often encounter such a situation. Download a new tour I feel the game scenes, professional, screen which is very familiar with the memories for a long time. And suddenly, it is not that the original. When I played the game TERA, I have encountered this kind of thing, and at that time, I lost much tera gold. How to change a vest came out to deceive the players now? In fact, this situation occurs when often some of the vendors make money, not go on operating in a game when its face-lift, into another game. As the launch of the new tour, they continue to attract players, re-grabbing the money. This behavior is very ethical.
This is almost in a foreign country which does not appear, and why the incidence in China? The fundamental reason is that some domestic manufacturers one-sided pursuit of short-term interests of the game. They set the expense of quality of the game. We only know deliberate imitation, no new ideas, only the poor picture. This made the game entertainment or torture? In the game TERA, I am willing to buy tera gold to do some tasks for fun.
Services often go outside to play the game my friends must have noticed this phenomenon in the server. Few people keep the scraper, not a big speaker like props, doing often in an orderly line, players between politeness, mutual aid, and friendship. The return to national service, in addition to some low-quality group of players, but even some unscrupulous gang of professional liar, cheat players in the game of virtual property, equipment or accounts.
The emergence of a new game often did not take long, once the corresponding emergence of a variety of plug-in, destroyed the game balance. A lot of good games are good in the plug-in the hands of death, how these people do not feel pity.
On the other hand, some life and morality biased players in the game should not be made to do things, but also to discredit the entire gaming environment, such as those involving one-night stand of copper to the door, the transaction doors, doors, etc. in the game TERA, players need to do in the game is just doing tasks and enjoying the game with cheap tera gold you buy on website. These scandals directly distort the community on the games and gamers know, a lot of high-quality, genuine love of the game players innocent of the gun, the game environment in such games.

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PVP becomes the focus of activities in RIFT

This will be the server program and our players to make adjustments between the Battle of the decision. After all the arrangements in place, we will consider this issue. Basically, if the group size group of players over the war, we will immediately make a decision. We will try to make it flat with the rift system and adopt a similar distribution. Participate in and win the challenge, players will be rewarded. Since this system is running quite smoothly, we have no reason to make changes.
Casual gamers will not become coolies in PvP, but still want to continue to pay. Battle between the dynamic characteristics of the players is to avoid becoming drudgery. The daily tasks and can also reduce the daily PvP dry sense of cracks. Casual gamers will be able to participate in more activities of daily PvP and get the corresponding reward. However, the only right and proper is that they absolutely cannot beat that game 12 hours every day people.
We are prepared to use to promote the development of the plot, so that small players can experience the team had only events in a large team to get the story experience. Our ultimate goal is the sustainable development of the necessary players and allows players to continue the game full level. During the game, players can get the corresponding reward such as rift gold to find a balance between systems. If this process can avoid becoming hard labor, the player will be more loved.
And "reincarnation" system is this: the players have been revived once again rose to 50 from a Te Lana domain of God and is always fighting. After that, players will naturally get the ability to absorb the force field of God, and the use of the domain of God's power to fight the enemy. Players will also get to learn the skills of the branch points, more rewards. Do not break the balance of expertise and capabilities. This combination system will be applied to the Chronicle, instant copy of adventure, battle between the player and the "crack" event. So with cheap rift gold full of class players can continue to enjoy the game.
We are actively to try in order to create a unique gaming experience. The only copy of a small number of people involved will have a magnificent epic momentum. Although the design looks so certain risks, we are repeatedly trying various functions, whether or not they should have played a role. Players can buy rift gold to enjoy more ability. In the first stage of the game, we originally expected to be well-received feature. players may not be accepted. These features may be abolished. However, the daily PvP and hot spots have been successful. Taking advantage of this momentum, we will make PvP RIFT become the focus of activities, not just appendages. We are optimistic about the PvP in RIFT. If it cannot be successful, it would be an unexpected thing.

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