
The total million registered accounts of Rift being doubted

However, despite the lack of accurate statistical data, we can still come, out that "" Rift "was a success" this conclusion: Vs the number of paying players registered. Game on the line early, "Rift" of the developers in the Forum is proud to announce. The total number exceeded 100 million registered accounts. A few months later, this figure increased to 200 million. Although it is impressive, some people still doubt that these figures do not reflect the true health of the game.
Everyone knows that a registered player does not mean paying players. Moreover, each player can register several accounts. Some players even only registered account in the trial stage. The client did not buy the game or pay service fees. But there are still lots of players to buy rift gold to play the game. This is true. These people also may register multiple accounts. Therefore, the total number of registered account and number of registered players is only as a reference.
People who spread Rift demise theory must not play the game seriously. As long as the log in the game, select the server, players will find: Almost every time, at least in most of North America are in a half-full member state. With cheap rift gold we can enjoy this game. In addition, no large-scale invasion of the region reported that the lack of player participation in activities. Anyway, as long as the Trion is not published data, we will not know "Rift" the stability of income, if sufficient to cover development costs. Moreover, Trion is a private company, it is not necessary to announce to shareholders the financial data. However, the total number of player accounts may be paid and which we can infer that the ratio of players: "Rift" has now achieved a great commercial success.
Do not know, "Star Wars: The Old Republic" and "Guild Wars 2" on the line, "Rift" is able to maintain this performance. But Trion hope "Rifts" in the active and passionate group of players will choose to remain firmly in the game itself, rather than switch to space-themed "Star Wars: Old country" or role-playing free online games "Guild Wars 2." Of course, when the time comes, the answer will naturally be announced.
Of "Rift" is not always that cold player: starting in the early 2011's lack of game content. Similarly, they also pointed out that: The upgrade process is surprisingly simple, at least level 50 players is not exclusive activities. If you want to play this game, the rift gold is needed. Therefore, they feel that "Rift" is a "slag as", if not complete failure of the move to free operating mode. But be objectively assessed? "Rift" the development team plans to hold half-anniversary celebration next week. Not surprisingly, the forum netizens around the "" Rift "is a success?" This is the topic of a heated discussion. The two sides express their views, bickered.

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