
The Blog Being the Way to the Game Industry

Farewell purely commercial guns draft refused to official releases the Sina blog channel in the game. You and I are bound to find the guide into the way the games industry.
Many people think that the game itself and plug the loopholes created today's rampant cheating device, so that a plug-in game is not a good game. This argument has some merit, but personally do not agree. First of all, the game itself is not wrong. The game TERA with beautiful scene is welcomed by many players to buy tera gold to play the game. Nobody's perfect, not perfect to the game are not a loophole. The problem is not game development companies, but rather those mercenary plug-in manufacturers and players who could not withstand the temptation.
Let us take the trouble to cite a "knife" example: a knife to kill the murderer, but the knife itself does not kill. In addition, online games have plug-in, single game with the modifier. Handheld console even has a "finger" of cheating, according to this argument I am afraid that the world did not "qualified" good game.
Games also need the Olympic spirit. We use the plug-in cheating, their goal is to win, to win honor and respect for others, but using it the moment it has lost all of these, because the game also need the Olympic spirit of fairness. Those who cheat in the game using external devices like a player to win the game players to use stimulants, although the win has to have been ridiculed and reviled by everyone. The game TERA with many tasks needs the players to play with tera gold with Olympic spirit to win the game.
Here are two examples: If you play "Street Fighter" with no loss of blood cheat, then even the hot topic invincible hands no cheers, it also presented awards to the WCG which will never use any of a gun by gun headshot perspective or other plug-winning CS clan. In short, everything just as Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic "sports Song" says: To win the honor of impartiality, otherwise it is meaningless.
In fact, we do not need a rallying cry, "Down with cheating," "strongly resist the plug," like the slogan. As long as they can be fair game, do not use plug-in cheat device is sufficient. No market, the natural world is peaceful. But, it is impossible for no market in the technology world.
"TERA" delayed time to market in North America, but the show at this year's PAX demo available on the opportunity to play the game with tera online gold, the following players from the European experience of a demo, please see the following translation of the original details.

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